In our ever exciting journey through tot school and preschool, we’re at a point where I am actually trying to write out preschool curriculum learning objectives. While my personal typical strategies to teach 2, 3, and 4 year olds is in no way a rigid classroom-type structure, I felt that establishing learning objectives for the year would be a great way to ensure that even if we don’t get to every monthly or weekly learning theme, each objective in my preschool curriculum would be approached and hopefully mastered by the end of the year.
If you are looking for more advanced objectives for 4, 5, and 6 year olds, find the Kindergarten Learning Objectives here.

Preschool Curriculum for 3 Year Olds
While I have been working through weekly learning themes, there have been road blocks in the way to completely finishing thus far. From moving across the country to unexpected family emergencies, it has just been prolonged. I have decide to move to working through monthly preschool themes while incorporating some of the weeks we have yet to finish.
The biggest things that I am doing differently is that instead of just being tot school themes that we do for fun and that teach, I am gearing it more towards a true preschool curriculum in that I have goals. As a former teacher, I do believe in objectives, even if not taught in a formal manner. Because in the end, like I said, they’re just goals and at the end of the year I want to be able to see significant progress.
Please note: only 5-7 maximum objectives in each category are included below.
To obtain ALL objectives, please download the Preschool Learning Outcomes PDF for free in my shop.

Learning Objectives for Preschool
Behavioral & Social skills for three year olds
- Demonstrates ability the ability to resist the temptation for an immediate reward and wait for a later reward (Delayed Gratification)
- Helps clean, tidy a space, and knows where items belong.
- Engages and is attentive for longer periods of time.
- Has a sense of self and self-care.
- Recognizes personal space & polite behaviors – Learns to not interrupt and recognize private conversations and when someone wishes to be left alone.
- Cooperates in both large group and individual settings
Logic & Reasoning for Preschool
- Recognizes, recalls, and demonstrates critical thinking and problem solving
- Makes connections and recognizes similarities
- Shows creativity and imagination
- Demonstrates understanding of symbols and representations of a concept
Cognitive & Developmental Goals for three year olds
Arts & Social Sciences
- Demonstrate an understanding of diversity – Can identify differences in people, but appreciate the oneness that we are all human and experiences similar emotions.
- Appreciates music – May dance, sing, hum, or participate in some way while listening to music. Is able to identify basic instruments such as a drum, trumpet, ad piano.
Language & Literacy Skills
- Recognize both upper and lower case letters
- Work on learning letters sounds and pronunciations
Get the vanishing vowels letter formation and penmanship practice printable!
- Can discriminate rhymes and similar phonemic sounds while reading or speaking
- Demonstrates comprehension skills and can answer questions about books after being read
Math & Science Skills
- Can identify shapes easily
- Can make comparisons and matches
- Replicates and draws basic shapes like circles and squares
- Quantifies using numbers and measurements
- Shows a basic understanding of money, its use, and its finite quantity
Physical Development Skills
- Learns to use scissors and other tools that require both coordination and safe handling
- Actively plays and uses gross motor skills (such as kicking, rolling, jumping, and standing on one leg)
- Can pedal and or maintain balance on a tricycle, bicycle or balance bike
- Demonstrates dexterity and fine motor skills through lacing, threading, stacking, and drawing.
Don’t forget to get download these learning objectives for free here that include even more objectives and outcomes or find the Kindergarten Learning Outcome List here.
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Kara is an author and advocate for positive, grace-filled parenting. She is homeschooler to her 5 children living on a farm in New England. She believes in creative educational approaches to help kids dive deeper into a rich learning experience and has her degree in Secondary Education & Adolescent Childhood Development. She is passionate about connecting with and helping other parents on their journey to raise awesome kids!

Dear Kara, I will be going back to work this fall with my own classroom of 3 year olds. I have a MA in Elementary Education and have worked with preschoolers, but the challenge has been a daunting and exciting at the same time…especially after being home for 16 years. While doing some research, I came across your website and am so thankful! I look forward to implementing some of your ideas shared on your website in my classroom! Thanks so much!
Jamilah Olayinka
So enlightening! Everything was helpful. Thanks for sharing.