In our first official homeschool year with a curriculum as well as weekly learning themes, we are addressing all areas of growth and achievement that we expect our children to have by the end of the kindergarten school year.
Learning Objectives for the Kindergarten Classroom
These outcomes are for 4, 5, and 6 year old students and can be split into two years when starting with pre-k or can be all in one year. If you are looking for preschool objectives that would be suitable for 3-4 year olds, find them here.
This list is only a selection of 5-7 objectives from each category! Please download the file to see the full list.
Behavioral & Social skills for Pre-K and Kindergarten
- Demonstrates ability to sit quietly both alone and in a group setting to listen and participate in an activity.
- Practices self-control, patience, and ability to accept delayed gratification.
- Is able to share feelings in a range of contexts and shows empathy towards others.
- Practices self-care and maintenance tasks such as brushing teeth, combing hair, getting dressed, etc..
- Interacts both verbally and non verbally such as through smiles, waving, and other appropriate gestures.
- Offers encouraging comments to others & shows willingness to volunteer & serve.
- Begins to employ conflict resolution skills to get along with others and can articulate needs and feelings in order to stand up for themselves when needed.
Logic & Reasoning for 4, 5, and 6 year olds
- Demonstrates critical thinking skills and problem solving, even in mild to moderately abstract contexts.
- Shows curiosity and motivation.
- Understands and interprets symbolic language such as signs, objects, actions, and pictures to represent something else.
- Looks at problems from multiple angles and shows flexibility in how they approach problems.
- Graph similarities and differences on a Venn Diagram
Cognitive & Developmental Outcomes for Kindergarteners
Arts & Social Sciences
- Make controlled linear motions with a writing utensil and shows progress in formation of letters, numbers, and shapes.
- Classifies geographical landforms and areas of water.
- Studies the continents and understands climate diversity, relative locations, etc..
- Recognizes a compass rose and understand basic directions such as left/right, up/ down, etc. as approaching understanding of cardinal directions.
- Demonstrates an understanding of diversity among people, climates, and land.
- Charts events on a time line.
- Sings, claps, and shows involvement in music.
Language & Literacy Skills
- Replicates and forms both upper and lower case letters.
- Spells simple words by sounding out letters and letter combinations.
- Identifies vowels vs. consonants.
- Demonstrates comprehension skills and can answer questions about books after being read.
- Can select a picture of a certain letter and vice versa.
Science Skills
- Understands basic needs and life processes of plants and animals.
- Analyzes the water cycle and can conclude how temperature affects water.
- Recognizes that gravity is a force that affects us, water, and everything on earth.
- Identifies planets in the solar system and explores basic astronomy.
- Describes simple functions and basic parts of the body.
- Makes observations and hypotheses & reports findings in journal or notebook.
Mathematical concepts for kindergarteners
- Recognizes even “atypical” shapes such as upside-down, obtuse triangles, etc.
- Shows a basic understanding of money, its use, and its finite quantity.
- Recognizes what time it is and operates on a schedule.
- Uses manipulatives in order to understand and analyze difficult mathematical questions.
- Uses a number line to solve problems and charts with bar graphs and pie charts.
- Measures with a ruler.
- Uses a calendar and understands linear and sequential order.
Physical Development & Health Education Skills
- Cuts along a dotted line and shows coordination.
- Holds a pencil, paint brush, marker, or other writing utensil correctly while writing, drawing, and creating.
- Can climb a ladder whether standing upright or flat on the ground.
- Understands the concept of base of support and center of gravity.
- Demonstrates a variety of the basic locomotor skills of walking, running, hopping, jumping, galloping, sliding, and skipping.
- Compares and contrasts healthy and unhealthy foods.
- Demonstrate knowledge of flexibility through warm-up activities and perform exercises that enhance proper flexibility in a variety of muscle groups.
Download the complete Kindergarten Learning Objectives List to get twice as many outcomes!
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