Earth Day is here and it’s I hope you are celebrating like we are!
But more importantly, just like Rome was not built in a day, we have to make Earth Day every day in order to make a greater and lasting impact.
Little habits and small steps by many are what help change the world. In effort to make Earth Day every day and encourage learning and awareness among both kids and adults, I along with 17 other bloggers have worked hard this month to bring you great content and ideas! From important issues like understand the importance of bees and energy conservation to gardening and making upcycle crafts, we have covered a lot of ground in 22 days. We hope that you have enjoyed and learned from the Ultimate Earth Day Education Guide. Now, let’s focus on making Earth Day an every day goal with those ideas and more.
For awesome ideas, resources, and information all year long, be sure to follow the collaborative pinterest board that is embedded below! I, along with all of the guest bloggers from the series are pinning great content for you!
Follow Kara Carrero’s board Ultimate Green & Earth Day Education Resource on Pinterest.
I have spent the past couple of months working on a collection of materials and resources from across the web to inspire you and your family! I hope that you enjoy them and thank the authors of each article. Remember, that every little bit counts and it’s about daily habits of many to make a huge difference. Please note, that ll posts BOLDED are by my wonderful guest bloggers. I have done this to showcase them out of appreciation. 🙂
Earth Day Kids Playlist from Swing Whistle Zing to get your inspired to sing songs that get you thinking about the Earth!
Earth day books and Yoga for Kids from Kids Yoga Stories
The Importance of Raising Eco-Conscious kids and great family documentaries to enjoy as a family from ALLterNATIVElearning
Earth Day books for ALL AGES to enjoy all year long from Lemon Lime Adventures.
10 Children’s Movies with Environmental Themes from KC Edventures. Our favorite, by far, is the Lorax!
Preschool books and songs about Earth Day from Pre-K Pages.
Taking Care of Our Earth book guide and review for kids.
Books for preschoolers about recycling from Stir the Wonder
iGameMom has 8 great Earth Day apps for your kids to enjoy while on the go or on a rainy day.
To start, this article from The Vintage Mom gives 13 reasons why every family should plant at least one seed!
Dirt & Boogers also has a great beginners guide to gardening with kids.
Square Foot Gardening from The Homeschool Scientist
Start an indoor Herb garden with these ideas from My Life and Kids.
Healthier Take-away chicken from Kids’ Play Space
Regrow kitchen food scraps with these ideas from What do We Do All Day and Grow Romaine in a jar from Betsy Finn.
Learn about seeds with toddlers and prechoolers with this seed-theme weekly learning guide from ALLterNATIVElearning
Gardening with Kids from Teach Beside Me
Get Composting with Kids, learn the basics of composting, and discover what kinds of things can go into a compost pile while you explore Composting Kitchen Scraps with children.
Discover how to Eat Organic on a Budget from ALLterNATIVElearning
Garden ideas for kids of all ages from Vicki Arnold and her Beginner’s guide to Gardening.
Choosing sustainable food options from The Vintage Mom and tips for visiting your local farmers’ market from Kitchen Counter Chronicles.
Sensory Benefits of Gardening with kids is a great resource from Lemon Lime Adventures for children with SPD or any child in general!
Make Recycled Container Gardens with kids from the Inspiration Laboratories.
Red Ted art has some fun and thrifty Gardening ideas and seed starters for the new and experienced gardener.
Tips what to grow in your family garden from Your Modern Family and check out her lessons for kids in the garden.
Edible Gardening and Landscaping from A Life In Balance
Reducing consumption and waste as a family by Honey’s Life.
The basics on recycling from the Homeschool Scientist and reducing plastic use that includes a breakdown on the different types of plastics from A Life in Balance.
Learning to reduce energy consumption with easy tips from ALLterNATIVElearning.
Check out some amazing infographs on Paper or Plastic and the Truth about plastic to help you make more informed decisions about reducing before recycling.
Unique ways to celebrate Earth day through Acts of Kindness from All Done Monkey and The Good Long Road.
Family Eco-Challenge from Kitchen Counter Chronicles will take you through an entire year to transform your habits.
Get out and enjoy nature with kids for a Screen free week from The Good Long Road
Teaching toddler and preschoolers to Recycle from Rain or Shine Mamma with this game that helps them learn to sort.
Learn to be a friend to trees from Creative Family Fun and help explore the importance of bees from B-Inspired Mama
Visit a solid waste facility to learn about the trash in your area and teach children that they too can make a big difference with even small efforts!
The Importance of Lady Bugs in the Garden by Raising Life Long Learners
Explore rain water collection with your kids and even download a free printable from Preschool Powol Packets
10 Easy Things you can do RIGHT NOW to be more eco-friendly from Musings of a Modern Hippie
How to Save Water in the Shower from Green-4-u. My favorite tip is to time your shower by listening to music.
Make an Earth Day (and every day) pledge as a family with this cute and free printable.
Plant – Seed identification cards printout to help children explore what seeds and their plants look like!
3 Dinosaurs has some awesome materials and free printables. She has an Earth Day Learning Pack, Tree Fine Motor activities printable, and a Mini Earth Day printable pack.
General Earth Day Activities for preschoolers from Natural Beach Living.
Earth Day learning activities from I Game Mom.
The Good Long Road has a fun Earth Day Sensory Bin that is even scented!
Earth Day Sink/Float recycling activity from Little Bins for Little Hands
25 great Earth Day activities from B-Inspired Mama
101 activities to get outside and to learn about the Earth each day from eLeMeNO-P Kids
15+ Projects for Kids using Recycled Materials from The Good Long Road
Upcycle old markers instead of just tossing them out when they dry up!
Recycled Paper Sensory Bin from Little Bins for Little Hands
You and your kids can create a Craft Bin from Recycled Materials to dive into and be inventive.
Upcycle Fine Motor Toy for young kids to practice their motor skills and even make Your own Zoom Ball game from Therapy Fun Zone.
10 Ways to recycle a T-shirt from Something 2 Offer
Earth day play dough and modeling the globe from 3 Dinosaurs and even a play dough recipe from Natural Beach Living.
LOTS of Recycling and Upcycle Crafts from Red Ted Art. She is always so creative and full of ideas!
Upcycle Learning Games and activities from I can Teach My Child
DIY toddler Activities from Natural Beach Living
Upcycled Fine Motor Dashboard from Lalymom. This is such a cute idea and perfect for the car-loving children we know and love.
10+ Earth day crafts, an upcycle spring craft, and repurposing plastic bottles from great guest bloggers in the Ultimate Earth Day Guide.
Why to use Natural Materials for Arts and Crafts and 100+ ideas to use them from Danya Banya. It’s a great resource for learning to use the flora and natural craft supplies you have in your own backyard!
Paper Mache Pots just for the fun of it or even for the functionality. You can use recycled paper and it’s even better!
Recycled Materials Crafts and Activities from Sugar Aunts.
Coffee Filter Globe stained glass craft to enjoy in your window and maybe even serve as a reminder to live each day as it is Earth Day.
Recycled Earth Day Crayons from the Gift of Curiosity
Bottle Cap and Crayon Earth Day craft from Still Playing School for a simple earth/globe craft.
Earth Day globe lumineer craft from Twig & Toadstool. This is a beautiful craft!
Arts and Crafts using the Recycle Symbol from Artsy Momma.
Learning About Nature with preschoolers from P is for Preschooler
25 ways to use baking soda from The Pistachio Project
Secondhand, Thrift, and Clearance Shopping How, What, and Why from ALLterNATIVElearning
6 Ingredients to avoid (especially in baby products) and why from Naturally Mindful. You should also check out her recipe for homemade deodorant!
Natural Sunburn Remedy from Honey’s Life
5 Ways to be a greener shopper from Thrifter in Disguise
Time with kids on the weekends from Mum in the Mad House
9 DIY Natural Cleaners from Herbal Academy of New England
Improve Indoor Air Quality from Kitchen Counter Chronicles
What are you doing Earth Day and Every Day to make a difference?

Kara is an author and advocate for positive, grace-filled parenting. She is homeschooler to her 5 children living on a farm in New England. She believes in creative educational approaches to help kids dive deeper into a rich learning experience and has her degree in Secondary Education & Adolescent Childhood Development. She is passionate about connecting with and helping other parents on their journey to raise awesome kids!

Anna @Kids Play Space
Whoa!! What a fabulous collection of resources and ideas!! THANK YOU!
Thank you Anna! I am so glad that you like it and that it is useful for you 🙂
Amanda @artsy_momma
I love how you set up the different sections! Thanks for including our craft 🙂