We always hear about what a scary world we live in but not nearly as often do we discuss how to change it, especially in our parenting. We want to shelter our kids from it instead of working to better society by raising selfless kids in a selfish world.
But little acts of kindness can go a long way. And they can teach our kids to be better every single morning.
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Extremely Good Parenting Ep. 005 Show Notes
Megan from Coffee Cups and Crayons and I talk about how her family implemented random acts of kindness one Christmas and how it’s transformed their lives. Plus we discuss easy ways to show kindness to others with young kids and how they can feel empowered to give to others.
I have taken some quotes from Megan and several ideas from the show to give you sort of a visual checklist for your family!
Why Acts of kindness matter at a young age in raising selfless kids
You’re shifting the thinking from “that’s mine” to “what can I give that I have to give to those that don’t have?”
Selfish is natural. Our children want to keep what they have and not share, especially toddlers and young kids. But when we start giving to others, our kids mimic that behavior by working to give to others and provide for the needs of those around them in ways they can.
“I am setting expectations not just for my children’s lives right now. It’s for how they view life and view parenting roles”
In anything we do as parents, we’re doing more than just parenting in the moment. It has a lifetime of impact for our own children and the next generation.
[color-box color=’yellow’]“When you view yourself as a kind and capable person, you are empowered to be different in every area. It gives you confidence and it allows you to be empathetic to others.” CLICK TO RETWEET.[/color-box]
Implementing acts of kindness into your family routine
“I’m the type of person that can make things better”
Your small child can’t change the whole wide world. But every little action is a step in the right direction and has a huge impact on the world as a whole.
“Make it a habit”
The more you make it a routine, the bigger the actions become over time, creating a lifetime of good deeds.
“This is what we do; It’s not a big deal.”
In fact, don’t make it a big deal. When we start making it this huge thing, it’s not something that we feel like we can get up and do every single day. Start small and work towards big deal projects that you do periodically on top of your daily and weekly goals.
“I can do something to make someone else feel better”
Teach your young kids that even small things make a big difference and Let your kids come up with ways to find ways to simply be kind to others.
- Tell jokes to someone sad
- Give out small gifts to unsuspecting people
- Give a high five to someone
- Hold the door open
- Ownership in gift giving something they picked out

Kara is an author and advocate for positive, grace-filled parenting. She is homeschooler to her 5 children living on a farm in New England. She believes in creative educational approaches to help kids dive deeper into a rich learning experience and has her degree in Secondary Education & Adolescent Childhood Development. She is passionate about connecting with and helping other parents on their journey to raise awesome kids!

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