I am a firm believer in kids being a part of the process of cleaning and having chores even from a young age. This means that they are learning practical life skills as well as contributing to the family duties.
However, cleaning typically means harsh chemicals and even harsh smells even while using green and/or homemade products. While I love essential oils and have made my own green and eco-friendly cleaners with them, they are still to strong and sometimes still not safe for children to be around. Therefore, finding a great solution where kids can help clean without chemicals or smells is an important part of chores in our home!
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Safe, Easy, & Chemical Free Home Cleaning for Kids
Children especially are sensitive to their surroundings. I also have sensitivities to strong smells which is why even using essential oils is sometimes a no-go. Therefore, finding a way to clean and reduce allergens in our home and allow my children to both help and be around it is important!
Clean with Just Water and e-cloth
E-cloths have a variety of tools that are reusable and long-lasting and can even withstand 300+ washes! This makes them a sustainable option that only requires water to clean, which is one of the best options I have found for our home. So a small investment into a few of your most-used cleaning tools plus a bit of water can replace continually buying expensive cleaners that are not safe for your children to handle or be around. This means eliminating chemicals, toxins, and even overwhelming smells that can come with natural and homemade cleaners.
Check out our completely free routine chart and chore chart downloads.
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Have toddlers wipe down window sills and floor boards
Toddlers that are just learning to walk can easily reach and wipe down the floor boards in your home. This is an easy way to get them involved. They can easily use a wet e-cloth to both pick up the dust and dirt as well as remove any bacteria that may be present.
Windows and mirrors are easy for kids to clean with the e-cloth e-cloth
My daughter loves cleaning the windows and mirrors even in our current apartment/hotel situation. This is partly because it’s one of the only times I allow her to climb up on the back of the sofa or onto the bathroom cabinet. Teaching her to wipe them down in circular motions with the cleaning cloth in one hand and the finishing cloth in the other means she can also practice her gross motor skills. She is especially fond of this chore because she has an attention for detail and eliminates streaks with the finishing cloth.
Pick up Dust and Dander with the flexi-edge floor and wall duster
While sweeping is something that’ a little harder for toddlers and young kids, pushing around a floor duster is easier and a way that they can contribute and help clean. E-cloth’s e-cloth is a lightweight and reusable way to clean he floors. It fits great into small spaces and even can clean both the floor and floor boards at the same time.
Download your free customizable routine and chore charts for kids
It’s 17 pages and includes a guide for how to use it most effectively. There are also several pictures, chore puzzles, and even contracts to sign with your kids. Yes, we even did this as young as three! It’s both written and includes visual cues as well, making the whole packet of routines and chore charts fully customizable.
Click the preview image to snag your copy today!

Discover more ways your kids can help clean & tidy your house with you!

Kara is an author and advocate for positive, grace-filled parenting. She is homeschooler to her 5 children living on a farm in New England. She believes in creative educational approaches to help kids dive deeper into a rich learning experience and has her degree in Secondary Education & Adolescent Childhood Development. She is passionate about connecting with and helping other parents on their journey to raise awesome kids!

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