What kid doesn’t love all things that pop? And as a way to learn, it’s tons of fun. In our learning themes journey, my preschooler and I have been doing some bubble wrap number formation to work on her fine motor skills and also understand how numbers are formed.
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In writing numbers and letters, my 3 year old tries to just connect dots, but doesn’t have the correct stroke or fluency.and this has helped tremendously!
When we addressed this it was somewhat difficult for her to understand not skipping strokes or how to move her pencil in a fluid manner. and this has helped tremendously!
So I decided to write out each number on a sheet of bubble wrap for her to pop.
And this has helped tremendously!
Learning to write numbers with bubble wrap
Take your sheet of bubble wrap and write the numbers where the bubbles make sense and flow.
Also, don’t get bubble wrap that rely on another bubble to stay aired up. We found that out the hard way the first time!
Then, having your child hold their pen, pencil, or pointy object correctly with the right grip, have them pop the bubbles in order.
Not only does it help them learn the numbers and how to form them in order, but it helps strengthen fine motor skills.
I personally put a star where I wanted her to start and a dot where I wanted her to end. She can work on it both when I am there and when I am not, so I can make several sheets for her to practice and enjoy!
Find more great Bubble Learning Activities
- Find the Letter B is for Bubbles from 3 Boys and a Dog
- Science Fair Project: Which Bubble Solution Works Best? from Planet Smarty Pants
- Bubble Frames from Brain Power Boy
- Easy DIY Homemade Bubbles and Refill Station from Crafty Mama in ME
- Where to Find Bubbles in Nature from FrogMom
- Blowing Bubbles with Household Objects from Playground Parkbench
- Bubble Science Experiment from Pre-K Pages
- Bubble Wrap Gross Motor Play from Schooling a Monkey
- Bubble Painting from Play & Learn Every Day
- Circle Time Bubble Songs from Parenting Chaos
- Learning about Bubbles from Our Daily Craft
- Bubbles & Letters Sensory Play from Books and Giggles
- Super Fun Bubble Toys to get your kids moving! from Gym Craft Laundry
- Bubble Sunflower Art Activity from Preschool Powol Packets
- DIY Bubble Wands from CraftCreateCalm
- Bubble Counting Play Dough Mats from Simple Fun for Kids
- {Free Printables} Under The Sea Bubbles ABC Matching Game from Play Dough & Popsicles

Kara is an author and advocate for positive, grace-filled parenting. She is homeschooler to her 5 children living on a farm in New England. She believes in creative educational approaches to help kids dive deeper into a rich learning experience and has her degree in Secondary Education & Adolescent Childhood Development. She is passionate about connecting with and helping other parents on their journey to raise awesome kids!

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