“This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and healthy mama® , but all my opinions and suggestions on ways to increase milk supply is are my own. #pmedia #gethealthymama http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV”
Breastfeeding is a tough job, especially when you feel like you’re not making enough milk for your always-hungry baby. And whether it’s day one, 4 months in, during a growth spurt, or just randomly, there are always times as breastfeeding moms that we feel like we need to find ways to increase milk supply and breastmilk production.
Basic healthy nutrition is the number one things that we can do for our breastfeeding bodies and babies. And if our babies are eating well, have plenty of wet and dirty diapers each day, and are a healthy weight, then even if you can’t “feel” a lot of milk, you’re producing plenty! So if your baby is not thriving and you’re struggling with your milk supply there are 4 main questions you should immediately ask yourself. “Am I drinking enough water, am I eating enough, did I take my supplements, am I getting sleep?” All of these are key components of a well-functioning body. But there are also other reasons why you may not be producing the milk you want, say stress for instance. In any case, there are several ways to increase milk supply that aren’t drastic
What to do when your milk supply drops while breastfeeding
Slow down & drink some tea.
Brew up some healthy mama® “make the milk!” tea. It is a special formulation of galactagogue herbs shown to help increase milk supply. Drink a cup while you kick your feet up and relax. Liquids are the fastest and most easily absorbed way to get nutrients into our bodies. So on the days when we’re stressed and in turn milk supply can take a hit, add a little tea to your day. So drink it in the morning, at night, and even up to five times in a day. It’s a safe and effective way to both slow down with a cup of tea and increase your breast milk supply.
Have a “nurse-in”
Not only is this going to help you slow down, but it’s also going to help re-trigger the hormones in your body to make milk. Schedule a day where you stay home all day. Baby doesn’t leave your side and you nurse as often as possible. This helps your body and your baby’s hormones communicate those breastfeeding cues easier; therefore, regulating and reinstating supply as needed.
Eat plenty of omega-3 fatty acids and healthy fats
Eat some avocado, sunflower seed kernels, almonds, walnuts, flax, and other great foods that will provide your body with healthy fats. Your baby thrives on healthy fats so for them to be in your milk, you have to eat them! It’s pretty easy to grind up flaxseed and put it in everything from enchiladas to fruit smoothies without even really noticing a taste difference.
Be sure you’re getting enough protein
This is similar to the healthy fats; just make sure you are being intentional with how you eat. Adding hemp hearts and/or chia seeds to things like yogurt, peanut butter, a fruit smoothie, or even by themselves with some water or milk can help provide some extra protein into your diet. They are both complete proteins and are easily implemented into your daily diet.
Check your energy levels.
Are you getting enough sleep? If you get the option, take a nap. I know that I make a lot more milk on the days I sleep more because I am not just running on empty. An extra, easy boost you can pick up in the pre/post natal section at Target is healthy mama® “boost it up” to help get you through the days you maybe can’t nap. All pre and post natal care is united under the same brand and easy to find. Get them while supplies last! Chia can also help with your energy. And is easily added to the healthy mama® drink, water, or even another favorite beverage like lemonade and kombucha.
Make some lactation cookies
This is a delicious way to help boost your supply and get many milk-boosting foods in your body. Foods like brewer’s yeast and steel cut oats are great for producing more milk. So find a recipe you love like this no bake lactation cookie recipe or make some lactation muffins. This is a tasty snack to eat with your tea!
Check your pump parts
If you’re pumping and don’t seem to be getting the milk out that you need for your baby, you should check your pump! Sometimes the section, the tubing, and just the over all function of your breast pump could use a tune up.
Stop worrying
Worry is not going to benefit your milk supply in any way. Your baby will get fed and nourished. Drink water. Sleep. Eat well. Your body is incredible and staying healthy (mentally, emotionally, and physically) is important to providing for your baby. When you need to supplement your supply, evaluate yourself, add in some of the great options from healthy mama®, and breastfeed on.
Kara is an author and advocate for positive, grace-filled parenting. She is homeschooler to her 5 children living on a farm in New England. She believes in creative educational approaches to help kids dive deeper into a rich learning experience and has her degree in Secondary Education & Adolescent Childhood Development. She is passionate about connecting with and helping other parents on their journey to raise awesome kids!
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