One thing we have learned to do as a family is look for more eco-friendly options in our every day life and in the way we make our purchase decisions.
So everything from a small item’s packaging to larger purchases like car seats, we are looking to have a low-impact life-style. Supporting environmentalism through consumer choices means that we are telling the market what we value which means we are supporting small businesses and even large ones with the statement of saying “I value your product enough to buy it” or I value local enough to buy it from you.”
For us, this is especially important to find eco-friendly baby products that are safe for our kids and better the environment through sustainability in some way.
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One time I was asked why I would spend $6 on a dozen eggs when I could buy a dozen at the store for a third of that. My reason? Because I wanted to support local and I cared about the quality of my food.
This goes for anything any everything. As a family, we are willing to pay more of a premium to know that it is well-made, it’s from a company or store we would like to support, and that we trust the product/manufacturer/construction of the product. Furthermore, we try to be as minimalistic in buying for baby as possible, not buying into the hype of having everything.
So when it came to buying supplies for my children such as a breast pump or a car seat, I was willing to do my research on the companies and buy what suited both our lifestyle and be the perfect companies to support.
Recyclable Baby Gear and Accessories Options
– My very favorite kid company that supports environmentalism is Clek car seats. They not only make seats like the foonf and the fllo (what we have) that are long-lasting even rear-facing, but they are 100% recyclable. This is a HUGE advantage to our family. We can spend $300+ on a seat that will take our child from infancy to booster, has exceptional crash test ratings, and is completely recyclable (since you’re not supposed to sell/buy used).
– Babywearing Gear is also a great way to be more environmentally friendly. You can choose a long-lasting convertible car (like Clek seats) and then get a great carrier to make porting a baby around easier. Wrapsody baby carriers is a great option and they even have a social responsibility report which I both admire and respect.
– For the breastfeeding mom, Hygeia Breast Pumps is an absolutely fabulous company to support. They are a high quality pump with a mission to be eco-friendly. They have a campaign called “No Pumps in Dumps” and are committed to keeping their products out of landfills. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! Plus, unlike most companies, they are a non-hospital gras pump that still supports multiple users. I have had my Hygeia pump over two years and I adore it!
– Natursutten Rubber pacifiers are also a great option for those that choose to use a soother. While neither of my kids are huge into pacis, my oldest daughter couldn’t have lived without one in the car. And we fully adhere to the rule of never having more than one of something because you’ll never find them, but you do keep track of the one you have. It was a workhorse pacifier and I didn’t have to worry about plastics or unnatural materials in her mouth.
– Cloth Diapers are a great way to conserve resources and keep chemicals away from your baby’s skin. We have used a variety of cloth diapers and cloth diaper accessories. This one is so individual to the child, that it may take some exploring to find what’s perfect for you.
– Kid Basix bottles & Sippy Cups have always been our only drink container option. They don’t break like glass and don’t have scary stuff like BPA or other crazy chemicals in them like plastic. Plus, metal naturally conducts heat, so just holding it under hot water can heat the insides.
– Instead of buying a bunch of pouches, we have used the Sili Squeeze for over a year now and love it as a part of environmental and health consciousness in our kids. The company even has some great ideas for recipes that are healthy!
Eco-Friendly Baby Products: Sustainable Toy Options
– Maple Landmark is probably one of my very favorite toy companies. They have eco-friendly toys for kids of all ages. They also have a sustainable business plan and code of conduct that I admire and want to support with my dollars. We have everything from a mini rolling bell rattle for baby to wands and toy cars like a recycling truck from them!
– PLAN toys are another top-notch company. I love the variety of wooden toys and that they use natural-based paint options. We have so many learning toys from PLAN including a kitchen and play food as well as things like wooden water blocks. They have a great map showing how they keep their promise of sustainability.
– For those that way to support the efforts to re-use old plastic like milk jugs, Green Toys is a great company to support in your journey to find eco-friendly baby products. Milk jugs are actually typically hard to recycle so their efforts are WONDERFUL! These toys are incredibly durable and long lasting and work great in the tub too. They even strive to provide environmental packaging making their efforts that much more commendable and worth supporting.
– miYim Simply Organic toys has some awesome My Natural Plush animals and dolls and they are my favorite stuffed animal or plush option out there. We typically try to cut down on stuffed animals because they tend to collect dust and be full of harmful ingredients and covered in flame retardants. However, minim plush toys are filled not only with a safe polyester, but it’s also recycled material. They have sustainable practices and the cotton exterior is not even made with gmo-crops. Learn more about their safety, health, and sustainability practices here.
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Kara is an author and advocate for positive, grace-filled parenting. She is homeschooler to her 5 children living on a farm in New England. She believes in creative educational approaches to help kids dive deeper into a rich learning experience and has her degree in Secondary Education & Adolescent Childhood Development. She is passionate about connecting with and helping other parents on their journey to raise awesome kids!

YES! Thank you for this!!
Kara Carrero
Absolutely – glad you like it 🙂
I’m such a sucker for organic and eco friendly toy companies! I hope to fill my shop with many more brands soon as I buy all of that for my daughter too. 🙂 We LOVE Plan toys!
Kara Carrero
They’re so great, right?! We have more toys than we need, but I just can’t part with almost anything because they’re so awesome.