Astonishing benefits of music for babies

Reader Interactions


  1. Mama D

    I really enjoyed reading this. Music is so important to me and thankfully, both of my sons have a strong love for music already as they have been exposed to it since before they were born. I just finished writing a series of blog posts about music activities for little ones and I think this post would be a nice summary piece to share. So off to pin and share on FB 🙂

    • ALLterNATIVEliving

      Thank you so much for your comment! I am glad that you enjoyed it and plan to share it. I absolutely love hearing when my research has positively impacted others. On my facebook site this past week, I shared about a 5 minutes video on how music should be viewed as a language and used daily with those that are much batter than ourselves. It is through TEDtalks if you are familiar. 🙂 Check it out if you are interested, and thanks again for the interest in my research and the wonderful comment!

  2. Mary Catherine

    I just loved your post, and I’ve already pinned it! I just don’t think enough people realize the impact music has on a child’s brain development, as well as the positive impact it has on other academic areas. Thanks so much for linking up at Stress-Free Sunday last weekend! 🙂

  3. Melanie Maslin

    This is so well written, thank you for all the research links as well. I also check out your TedTalks clip as well.

    • Kara Carrero

      Thank you so much for your comment 🙂 I am glad that you liked it and that it was helpful to you!

  4. Mary Andersen

    This is such a great article thank you so much for using your time and talents to put it together and share it with everyone!!!


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